That's why you need to travel from time to time


Traveling is an important experience that a person must go through to enrich his informations, learn about new cultures, and enjoy watching the landscapes and important tourist sites in the world.

The effect of travel is not limited to the entertainment and tourism aspects, but extends to other benefits on the mind, intelligence and breadth of knowledge, and many studies emphasize the importance of travel and contact with other peoples to increase cultural and knowledge exchange.

That is why we set below multiple of reasons why travel can influence intelligence and direct interaction with others.


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advantages of traveling abroad

1- Promote independence

Traveling gives you an opportunity to rely on yourself and enhance your ability to make your decisions away without the influence of the family, in addition to that you face some challenges that you have to face on your own, which increases your ability to deal with any problem in the future.


2- Traveling unlocks talent

Many discover many talents they have when traveling to other countries, due to their distance from their environment, which limits them to few customs and traditions excited in their countries, in addition to their integration into a new culture different from their original culture.


3- Flexibility in dealing

When traveling outside the country, you find yourself having to deal with good customs, traditions and laws that you were not familiar with in the past, and this gives you the ability to adapt and adapt to any new situation imposed on you.


4- Learn to forgive

Racist ideas often result from ignorance of other peoples' cultures, and travel helps break the barrier with these peoples and gives the ability to understand their nature, and thus to deal with others with tolerance without prejudice to prejudices.


5- Interest in other cultures

Once you start learning about the cultures of other peoples and countries, you find yourself addicted to it, and you increase your love of exploration, researching the origins of these peoples, reading about them, and perhaps even conducting studies and research about them.


6- The ability to move from one place to another

Many spend their childhood and the early stages of their youth in their city in which they were born, and they find it difficult to move from one place to another if they move to another city, and travel helps to get rid of this problem, and gives you the ability to adapt to any new place easily.


7- Learn a new language

One of the most important benefits that can be gained from traveling is learning a new language in order to be able to communicate with the people of the country to which you moved, to find yourself with time able to read books and deepen your knowledge in a language different from your mother tongue.


8- Increase your personal interests

In the new countries that you travel to, you get acquainted with new activities, sports and hobbies that are not familiar in your country, for example, if you move to a country where snow falls a lot, you will find an opportunity to learn skiing, and some countries are famous for different sports and festivals that are held from time to time.

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9- Acquiring new skills

When moving to study or work in another country, you will find the opportunity to socialize with friends from various cultures, and you can learn from them new skills and exchange experiences with them in various fields.


10- The ability to face challenges

Travel is one of the most important challenges that a person faces in his life, and when he succeeds in this challenge, he acquires the ability to face any other challenges that may hinder his path in life.

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